Sunday, April 5, 2015

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness (John Keats)

The spring collection.
Annoyingly, I wanted to write this post a while ago when the first pleasant signs of autumn started creeping over the land but since then we've had a second summer. 

Bah humbug!

It's April and yesterday we had 30 degrees on the deck's temperature gauge. We still have doors and windows open throughout the night to keep cool!

Last April we had fires going each day to keep warm. Right now I'd still need a council permit to fire up all the branches I collected and dumped into the huge burn pile in the paddock during the summer holidays (as exhibited in the photo above).

As you know, I love autumn, I really do. So I'm hoping this post will spur nature into action and I can dig out some singlets, prepare the thermals, attack the burn pile, and marvel at the maple tree putting on it's autumnal coat. 

Until then, sigh, I'll luxuriate in John Keat's Ode To Autumn and wait.

Love and peace - Wozza

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