Tuesday, March 24, 2020

He waka eke noa (we are all in this together)

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash
Wie geht's?

That simple German phrase (how are you?) is very apposite right now.

For some time now, I've been using it as a welcome on these posts in honour of my much missed friend - Margo Buchanan-Oliver. She always wrote that on letters/cards/emails - whatever - always opened with that phrase. Her first thought was to ask after others.

With Nu Zild on lock-down to prevent the spread of Covid-19, it seems even more important to be kind, to reach out to others - especially the loved and dear ones, but also strangers and even estranged family members, to consider the effects of our actions on others.

The human race is a selfish one generally, so this is a good wake up call, albeit one paid with a heavy price.

At my work (OneSchool Global, NZ) students, parents, teachers and support staff are now working from home, and the new arrangements have paradoxically brought us closer together.

For one thing I have a window into everyone's home via zoom😆

Social media platforms and the internet have been a godsend. Speaking personally, staying connected has never been as important as it is right now.

Love and peace and stay safe - Wozza

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