Thursday, March 9, 2023

Thrice and once the hedge-pig whined.

Wie geht's?

Karma at work here: mate of mine recommended I read Eleanor Catton's Birnam Wood (coincidentally, I'd looked at the blurb on it a few days ago but didn't buy it. Doh!)

So I looked on-line and saw the price was mainly 35 to 39 dollars, except at the Warehouse - they were offering it at 26 dollars.

My heart sunk. 

I hate the Hastings' Warehouse. And I mean, hate. It feels depressing going in there anyway but since they ditched records and CDs it's even worse.

But $26 is $26.

So, I went in. Gulp.

Straight to the books section. No Birhnam Wood. No shop assistants. I went back to the shelves and looked again. Nope. Nada.

I spied a guy in Warehouse livery and approached him. He checked on his desktop device. They definitely had copies. I said, 'I may be blind then'.

We trudged to the shelves. He looked. I looked. Nope. Nada.

'Phew', I said. 'I'm not blind'. Not even a flicker from him. But he did say, 'I'm just helping another customer but I will check in the back after that'.

I waited 5 minutes - he was still faffing around. So I left muttering bah humbugs about customer service these days.

Yes, I could buy it on-line from the Warehouse for $26 but I don't have faith in them. At all. Even if I did, it would be tainted with the nasty experience.

So I'll go back to Whitcoulls today and pay the higher price. At least I can use my rewards card there. And they serve you. And they can actually find the book!

Better be worth it Greg.

Love and peace - Wozza

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