Saturday, July 15, 2023

Please believe in me when I'm gone (Hamilton County Bluegrass Band)

Wie geht's?

This week we were faced with the task of emptying out a loved one's house after they had passed away. 

Thanks to the demands of the Housing Corporation, it had to happen quickly. They gave us a week and, although it was a tight deadline and sooner than we had anticipated, we managed to do it with a day to spare.

It was a family effort by G Brian, the sisters, the brothers-in-laws plus Jade and Kerry.

For me personally, it brought back memories of clearing out my grandfather's house before he went to live in the Masonic Village, and of course, what my brother and I had to do at Maygrove, when our dad died.

In Pat's case, most of the household items were donated to the Hospice Shop in New Plymouth, but the cherished keepsakes luckily found a home with Jacky and her sister.

We were pretty amazed there were so many! Jacky had previously believed that many things had gone missing but Pat somehow kept a remarkable treasure trove of items over the years, despite many moves 'up and down the line'.

I loved seeing the inscriptions in a few books from her childhood, and a magazine from St Philomena's College in South Dunedin. 

Recently, she had told me about a copy of David Copperfield that she'd won at school as a speech prize when she was nine, and there it was in a pile of books!

Thanks for trusting us with these legacy items Pat; know that they have found good homes.

Love and peace - WNP

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