Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Since the dawn of time...

Wie geht's?

I know I'm rapidly approaching old geezerhood but the fickle nature of popular culture was pretty evident as I watched the pre show previews while at the latest Mission: Impossible movie on the weekend.

One preview was for the Barbie movie. This is the teaser:

At its conclusion I turned to Jacky and said, I bet not many people get that reference to 2001 A Space Odyssey

Jacky's reply: what reference?

When I asked a couple of teachers at school - no one knew the classic Kubrick movie. My hairdresser? Nope.

I feel my survey is pretty comprehensive!

One of the greatest films of all time, and in 2023 it's all but forgotten.

Except, it seems, by me.

Which begs the question: why in the blue blazes did the Barbie people decide to base their teaser on it?

Blowed if I know.

Love and peace - Wozza

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