Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Win the rat race, you're still a rat.

Wie geht's?

Rinse and repeat.

Recently, that's how a colleague described the cycle of weekly morning routines>work>evening routines>sleep>morning routines>work>evening routines>sleep>...

It's a cycle (some may want to refer to this as a treadmill) that we all fall into some extent unless we've won Lotto, are Taylor Swift, or happily living without the need to pay for rent/ mortgage/ transport/ clothes/ food etc.

The trick to life, as James Taylor knows (Tay Tay is named after him), is to enjoy the passage of time. Even through the brainless drudge.

Actually, enjoying the routines and rituals of daily life comes relatively easy to me. As I've previously indicated, I don't mind mowing lawns, ironing shirts, or emptying dishwashers (I draw the line at vacuuming though). 

To me, that's good thinking time. My brain isn't mindful of the task especially. Instead, it wanders lonely as a cloud.

Okay. Blogpost done. What's next?

Love and peace - Wozza.

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