Sunday, February 4, 2024

Is it really the same? (Keith Jarrett)

Dr Shaun Murphy

Wie geht's?

Netflix' The Good Doctor continues to grip our attention. Autism is a fascinating topic and a fresh one for a TV show, especially a medical drama.

We binge watched on Sunday when it was unseasonably cold and wet outside. It's easy to continue to talk like Dr Murphy after a show and then start thinking.

I sometimes think everyone is on the spectrum in some way. A good test for yourself is here . Thanks to my dad, I certainly often reflect on my own tendencies in this direction (I scored 24 out of 40).

He was a very precise person - a place for everything, and everything in its place. His work benches and materials where he did his electronics hobbies were carefully ordered and precisely labelled.

When I look at my record collection I can see where I got my need for order from (interestingly, his own record collection was just a willy nilly pile of records, but he did look after them well).

Like him I'm into rituals and routines. I've written about this before. When I mow our lawn I subconsciously follow the same pattern each time, when I iron shirts, when I brush my teeth, when I wash dirty records...I could go on.

Although, in many ways, I'm not like my father at all. My work benches are often piled up with stuff, I wear work clothes to mow the lawn and so on while dad never owned any. His chemist brain measured everything carefully, I'm much more slap dash, like my mum (she never measured anything when she was cooking and it always turned out amazingly well). 

Some things bug me - crooked pictures, dirty dishes in the sink, clutter accumulating on the kitchen bench, but it's all small stuff. Generally, I like to think I'm pretty cruisey.

But I did score 24 out of 40.

Love and peace - Wozza

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