Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And the girl in the corner said boy I want to warn you it'll turn into a ballroom blitz

Jacky and I have just returned from Auckland where dad is making some good progress. It's been a time of family catch-ups - dad, Keegan, Adam, Ross and his family - have been showered with our attention of late. We've also been thinking of Gavin/Michelle. We went to Gavin's step-dad's funeral on Saturday. He (Alan) sounded like a great guy, a gentleman in fact and deed. I was particularly taken by stories of his earlier life in Scotland. His mother died shortly after giving birth and his father left him in Scotland and went to live in New Zealand!! Only the other side of the world. Amazing that Alan should eventually come to NZ himself and make a great life for himself. I sat and listened and thought about how we interconnect with each other in so many odd ways. I don't like funerals at all but I like the rituals attached to them and the eulogies are a fundamental part. Alan would have liked the eulogies in this instance. They did him justice (even though I didn't know him particularly).

I was also sitting there thinking about Edward Kennedy. What a giant. The ripples of his life have affected so many, including me. Definitely not perfect (nor were his brothers) but a worthy life, like Alan's. Both - kind and decent men. I loved Ted's eulogy for his brother - Robert Kennedy. It is justly famous for its sincerity and warmth and it strikes me that what he said of Bobby, is also true for him.

Other family bits and pieces - We've heard from Samantha recently. She is recovering from a bit of a car accident in America but is otherwise in fine fettle. We've also been kept up-to-date on Biddy (in her mid nineties) who is also unwell at present.

Jade, of course, had the school ball last Saturday and there are many photos to prove it. Including one on the front page of the Taranaki Daily News of her dancing (actually doing air-guitar - I'm SO proud!) http://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/news/2816043/We-want-to-rock-and-roll-all-night

Photos of the whole ball shebang can be seen at http://trodge.smugmug.com/Other/Stratford-High-School-Ball-09/9449893_ezt4s#633827843_Mswjg (yes that's Mr and Mrs Purdy in the first 3 - seek and you'll find photos of us plus Jade and plus others)

Here's the stuff we took at home (please keep in mind the theme of the night was Moulin Rouge): First up - Jade and 'er indoors

This is me, Jacky with Jade and her date - Craig.

And finally - one of our 17 lambs (not bad for 9 ewes huh)

Love peace and top hats - Wozza

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