Monday, July 15, 2019

All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you (Yes)

Wie geht's? 

Okay, so finally, after months of waiting and a first week of the holidays dedicated to work around the house, Jacky and I have our UK possessions stowed away and Maple Grove (our house in Takapau, Nu Zild) is fully ship shape!

East side

West side

Front facing north
Inside Maple Grove is also now much more us.

I can now luxuriate in not one, but TWO music rooms (no - I don't play anything - I appreciate and relax instead). One is even, shock horror/am I reading this right?, INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!!!

Entrance to A.R.F.
Inside treasures

Inside music lounge

Yes: Abbey Road Four (ARF), a.k.a. the vault, is in an out building next to the laundry and Jacky's tack room/workshop but 'The music lounge' is inside - in the fourth bedroom with my UK stereo gear and some framed Beatle pictures. 

Jacky's saddle collection in her tack room

We are slowly ticking off jobs, some big, some small and Maple Grove is by degrees removing the previous owners idiosyncratic touches and becoming more ours.

Chicken coop by Wozza, Jade and William

One big job was rebuilding the chicken house. Thanks to Jade and William we managed to get this done AND buy three chickens in two days of concentrated effort. Names? Well we always have to have a Sticky; joining her is Olive and Pickles.

Love and peace - Wozza

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ashleigh wants to know where the chickens are? Photos please