Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Soon as three o'clock rolls around, you finally lay your burden down, close up your books, get out of your seat, down the halls and into the street (Chuck Berry)

Lord Asher (a.k.a. A.W.R. P-H)
Wie geht's?

Our stuff from the UK finally, FINALLY!!, arrives this Friday. Bang on the last day of term. 

Considering we left the UK four months ago, we've been waiting (and suffering the lack of our winter clothes) for a long time now.

The package includes some furniture which will help complete the inside picture (speaking of which - the two weeks of holidays will give a chance to take and post some pictures of our new home).

Love that snap from Jade of Lord Asher above. 

Co-incidentally, I was thumbing through a photo album and came across one of this handsome bloke. 

Am I crazy, or is there a strong family likeness going on??

Love and peace - WNP

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