Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Yeah it's a mad hurricane (Deep Purple)

Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash
Wie geht's?

Highlights from the last few days since that last post: 

  • The trip to Gisborne to visit my campus there took up two days and meant a fair amount of driving - four hours there, four hours back, so plenty of time to listen to Radio Wozza!
  • Apart from the fact I struggle with my own company, and have to go through Wairoa, the trip was fine. Oh and being passed at speed on the left by some idiot! I saw him coming in my rear view - a big black car with multiple dings in it, I was doing 103kph, there were cars in the oncoming lane so what did he do? Well this brainac decided he'd move onto the hard shoulder and speed past me on the left - triffic. Reckless and idiotic!
  • Barrelling along the motorway on my way back home singing  along with Ian Gillan on Highway Star! My air drumming on the steering wheel and air guitaring is coming along, to say nothing of my Jon Lord keyboard skills!
  • Reading David Copperfield has continued apace and I'm now over 100 pages into it, into the rhythm of the language, laughing at bits, depressed at others, agreeing with Nick Hornby's enthusiasm, and hoping young Davy finds some happiness eventually.
  • We're up to date on The Blacklist (as far as Netflix goes which means waiting impatiently for the next episode to drop) and now having an arm wrestle over various shows and movies I want to watch but Jacky doesn't. I'm losing.
  • Jade and Asher came to stay for a couple of days midweek - the little guy is now crawling and motoring around the house with gay abandon. Time to put up screens, barriers,  and remove items that produce a gleam in his eye like the poker for the fire! Go Asher!
Love and peace - Wozza

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