Monday, February 24, 2020

The first time ever I saw your face, I thought the sun rose in your eyes, and the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave to the dark and the endless skies (Roberta Flack)

Wie geht's?

The 26th of February is clearly a very special day for me each year (my autobiography has details about when Warren met Jacky, 37 years ago in 1983).

1983 - a bigger than Ben Hur year

Jade wondered aloud a few days ago about whether love at first sight really exists and she often kids me that I stalked her mother whenever I relate the origin story, well, she should know that both are true.

If I had not gone to that party, found out where Jacky Smith was working, been flatting with those people, been rejected by dozens of schools and found myself teaching at New Plymouth Boys', I would never have met and instantly fallen for the 20 year old Miss Smith.

If she had not gone to that party, been curious enough to talk to me, dance with me, say yes to a date, get married, raise children together, Jade would not exist.

So, yes Jade - I believe in love at first sight because it happened to me (I'm not proud enough to believe it was love at first sight for Jacky but there was clearly something there for her to stick around and allow love to grow).

And yes to the stalking - although I'm not sure if that's an accurate portrayal given I asked my flatmate during the next few days after February 26 who Jacky was and then where she worked. If I hadn't followed through and walked into Accessory House to see her for that second time - again, no Jade!

A lot has happened since, in those 37 eventful years: four gloriously gifted children, three blissful weddings, sadly - some funerals (1983 and 2009), and a beautiful grandchild spring to mind, but whenever I hear The Four Tops singing, "I can't help myself - I love you and nobody else", there's still only one person I think about.

Love - now and forever - W

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