Thursday, June 17, 2021

Old friends, memory brushes the same years (Simon and Garfunkel)

Wie geht's?

It's been a big week. Two days in Auckland for a series of meetings with my Principal colleagues gave me an opportunity to visit Real Groovy (pictured by Greg above) on the way to a dinner reunion with old friends (as in - we've been friends for a loooooooong time).

Knowing Greg from school was the key to meeting an interesting eclectic collection of people at Auckland University back in the late seventies. It was only three years of our lives but the bonds are strong with Kevin and Linley.  Even though I haven't seen her for 40 years it was instant repartee!! And Gregarious? Well Greg is the boy wonder to my Batman!

We realised as we laughed and ate, laughed and reminisced, and laughed some more that we didn't have a photo of the whole crew from back in the day. That's a shame but it also means our romanticised memories of our former glory days as a group are well and truly intact.

It was a great catch up. It's always a special time with this bunch of old friends.

Love and peace - Wozza

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