Tuesday, March 29, 2022

I will do my best to... help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight (Part of the Cub Scout oath)

Wie geht's?

When I was growing up, before any test, my father would always offer me the same two pieces of advice:

  • Take your time 
  • Read the question carefully

He'd always end with: Do your best.

Never 'try hard' or 'try your best' but very deliberately: Do your best!

I don't know if he was riffing on the cub scouts DYB DYB DYB chant or not. I was a scout and certainly used that chant. Whatever the case, it was a really appropriate final thought.

This came to mind recently when a colleague shared some goals/advice that her Year 7 students had written for themselves.

I chose one to use as my positive close at my school assembly yesterday:
Take your time and do your best. Your best has no limits - it only stops when you give up.
Isn't that wonderful!

Love and peace - WNP

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