Thursday, March 24, 2022

You got everything in the world you ever wanted, right about now your face should wear a smile (Van Morrison)

Wie geht's?

This one falls under the 'who knows if it's good or bad' banner.

We have had a big dose of rain in the Central Hawke's Bay this week. A big dose.

I was pootling along to school one day this week when there was a lot of surface water on the road. A lot of water. At a few points there was some minor flooding encroaching on the road. 

When I got to school it was dark. School started and I decided to nip out to buy some morning tea for my awesome staff.

Lucky #1: I was in an altruistic mood.

Lucky #2: As I was pulling out of the car park an eagle-eyed staff member spotted something loose under my car and pointed it out.

Music is played loud in the Purdmobile so no way would I have ever noticed this otherwise. 

Turns out some water had sprayed up underneath the car and clearly dislodged something. I rang the fine team at Bay Ford Mazda Hastings and Paul said - sure, pop on down and we'll throw it up on the hoist and take a butchers'.

So I did. Took 5 minutes and while I waited I enjoyed a delicious free mocha in their waiting area.


Love and peace - Wozza 

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