Saturday, June 17, 2023

May you have a strong foundation when the winds of changes shift (Bob Dylan)

Wie geht's?

I'm straying into Baggy Trousers territory for this post. Why? Just because.

I'm fresh from reading a post by Dan Rockwell (yes, that is his name - cool huh!), a.k.a. Leadership Freak.

In it he posed this as a question (as a predictor about how someone would lead):

“If you had to work for a leader who was outstanding in five of the following character traits, what are the top five traits you would pick?

  1. Creative
  2. Curious
  3. Driven for results
  4. Organized
  5. Kind
  6. Humorous
  7. Dedicated
  8. Relationship oriented
  9. Fair
  10. Fun
  11. Humble
  12. Bold
  13. Decisive
  14. Loves learning
  15. Perseverance
  16. Forgiving
  17. High energy
  18. Honest
  19. Stands up for their team
  20. Develops people

All of those are important traits but I'm only allowed five. So, I'd go for:

  • Kind (I prefer that they have a moral compass)
  • Honest (integrity is key)
  • Develops people (being self-less)
  • Fun (I figure if they are fun they also have a good sense of humour)
  • Relationship oriented (high emotional intelligence is required)

It's a great question and I can see myself in those traits (in that, it's how I aim to lead). 

Have a go yourself. It's an interesting exercise.

Love and peace - WNP

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