Thursday, August 15, 2024

Again renewed by the vessels of Isis you're ready to fly (Steve Hackett)

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Wie geht's?

Today was a right-off thanks to a migraine. I would have much preferred to be at school.

Thankfully, I don't get them as frequently as Jacky does - this is my second for the year, which is about right.

When I was younger, I got them a lot, starting when I was about 15. I remember the first one pretty distinctly still. I was playing football, and I suddenly couldn't see the ball or the players clearly, thanks to jagged lines in my right eye (it's always my right eye).

An eye test showed I needed glasses (I had to keep playing without glasses until I got contact lenses in my early twenties), and the migraines would be severe and much more frequent than these days. Always started with tingly fingers, then the jagged lines, then the massive headache. A dark room and time were required. Usually, two days later I'd be able to function again.

The trick was always to take some meds as soon as possible and it would help a bit.

These days they are far less scary things. I no longer get the tingling warning, just the half vision. Jacky's migraine meds work quickly but leave me feeling sleepy and foggy for the day (I've now had a sleep, hence being able to write this).

Back into it tomorrow.

Love and peace - Wozza

P.S. there are many other migraine sufferers out there - take solace from what my dad, bless him, told me when I was a teenager -intelligent people are more likely to suffer from them. There's no evidence for that, according to Google, but it made me feel better, so I'm sticking with it.

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