Sunday, August 11, 2024

Yellow tigers crouched in jungles in her dark eyes (Cream)

Wie geht's?

I'm in awe at the pursuit of perfection that is Olympic competition. Sport is high drama. Many are called by few are chosen.

The stories of glory and seeming defeat come thick and fast over the Olympic Games weeks - dropped batons/balls/hoops, missed jumps, off timing, human error and so on.

Of course, a lot of focus is on those who have a podium finish - the ultimate symbol of success, and Olympic or even World Records, but I prefer to celebrate any Personal Best (PB).

As the stoics know, in the end, the victory over one's self, the triumph of one's principles is what counts. The satisfaction of not only giving your best but being your best.

As Dame Lisa Carrington says, it's all about a constant pursuit of growth and learning.

So, here's to all of the participants who learnt something about themselves and their skills, who made an incremental forward movement, who bettered their previous best effort. Hurrah!!

My hat goes off to you!

Love and peace - Wozza

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