Saturday, September 14, 2024

He blazed a pick white liberty trail through history's hall of fame (Fess Parker)

Harry S. Truman

Wie geht's?

Ryan Holiday's book Right Thing, Right Now is a rich source of inspiration. While discussing concepts emanating from stoicism, he returns many times to the example of Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of The United States of America.

Ryan is certainly a fan. Truthfully, and shamefully, aside from his signing off on the two atomic bombs and that sign on his desk (The buck stops here), I've never thought of Truman much or read about him. But I'm going to change that after Ryan's descriptions.

Truman wasn't a successful businessman, but he was honourable and a man of integrity. He toiled away in obscurity as a senator, but he was honest.

As Ryan notes, "it's one thing to try to keep your hands clean, it's another to manage to do it in a den of thieves."

Truman drew ethical lines and respected the code. It was, for instance, unthinkable for him to be late.

In many ways, it seems, Truman was an ordinary man, but after FDR's stroke, he became President. And I need to know more about him. Not the condensed bios online and not the glossed over ones that centre on his years as President.

To do him justice, I'll need a visit to the Little Red Bookstore, I suspect.

Love and peace - Warren N. Purdy

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