Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Do the right thing.

Wie geht's? Cool for cats?

I'm loving a new book I picked up recently - Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday, yes the Daily Stoic guy.

It's terrific.

The main message: 

Do what is right.

Do it right now.

For yourself.

For others.

For the world.

Sounds easy? Well, yes...and, no.

Basically, it involves the line between good and evil, right and wrong, ethical and unethical, fair and unfair.

It involves some key decisions:

What you will do.

What you won't do.

What you must do.

How you do it.

Whom you do it for.

What you're willing to give for them.

The first chapter of the book centres on the example shown by Harry Truman and it held me entranced while I read during my Year 10 class' sustained silent reading time today.

Love and peace - Wozza