Thursday, September 19, 2024

To thine own self be true (Polonius)

Wie geht's?

I have lived a sheltered life. A charmed life. A privileged life.

This I have always known, but being back in the classroom, teaching some English again, has again confirmed that belief.

Especially when students reveal details of their past in writing exercises.

In stark contrast: I had two parents who loved each other, loved me and showed me the way; I had a crystal-clear idea of my bliss from an early age (since the age of 12 I have never had a plan B); I met Jacky and we've been married for 40 years; I have four children who worship me (ha ha - even if they are unlikely to read this blogpost); my rock solid integrity is challenged daily (I won't look the other way) and I have always had a purpose in life.

Actually, on that integrity one - phones are banned in school but, teenagers being teenagers, they all have one. My deal is that if I see it, the student gets a warning that if I see it a second time I will confiscate it.

I was challenged on this recently and I said, "Sorry but I can't ignore it or pretend I haven't seen it. I need to do the right thing". A different student heard me and said, "Wow sir, I've never heard a teacher say that before! That's impressive. You're my idol!!" (I may have added the idol bit).

I had mixed feelings hearing that, but as Polonius says to Laertes - To thine own self be true.

Love and peace - Wozza

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