Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Update 13

Hey there - mainly sport and film this update. First the saddish news that
Rochdale lost their game against Stockport 3-2 for promotion to League
one. What a great great achievement to actually get to Wembley. I'm really
looking forward to next season now - we've finally got Sky TV (I couldn't
bare to be without football any longer) so I'll keep more up-to-date with
the sports news. Sky won't be reporting on my Under 15 football team
however so my updates will be crucial for you. I can't remember if I told
you that we won our first game against Hawera 4-1. Sadly we lost on
Saturday 3-5 (ahead 3-2 at half time thanks to a hat-trick from our
striker - Tim Stanners) but we fell apart in the second half.

Samantha returned to Wellington safely on Sunday having done a grand total
of 5 mins study at home (before falling asleep on her books). I spent the
weekend at sport and getting stones for our river and watching a
movie...let me now tell you about the Dumbo principle.

When Jade was really young she wore out our taped copy of Dumbo. I would
guess that between the ages of 3 and 7 she watched Dumbo about 5 trillion
times, and she always cried when Dumbo and her mum were separated in the
cage (always!!). I don't think she's watched it since but that movie held
its fascination for her throughout endless viewings. Thus the Dumbo
principle was born - these are the movies that you (okay..I) have to own
in all formats and that can be watched over and over and over and they
never lose their appeal. You will know what I mean and have your own I'm
sure. Actually there aren't that many are there. I'm not talking about the
best films ever made here (my top pick in that category now always and
forever would be Pelle The Conqueror as you all know, but I can't see
myself watching it every year). Make a list of 5 movies you have on both
VHS and DVD and that you watch at least once every year. I bet you're
struggling. So that would mean that if you do own movies (like me) for the
huge majority of them you only watch them a few times (even once) and then
they sit on a shelf for years. For my list it's all about movies so the
Beatles Anthology is not here, nor are box sets of TV shows like Seinfeld
that is being watched somewhere in our house pretty much
constantly or the Star Wars six movies (they are a given!!).

For me then the following are my top 5 - At number 5 - The Bourne
Identity/Bourne Supremacy/ Bourne Ultimatum trilogy. Actually it's the
first two really but whenever I've watched Identity/Supremacy I now need
to complete the experience with the third one. For me the only action
movies that bare repeat viewings. Why? - the sets/locations are fantastic,
the action superb, the themes (I'm a sucker for the memory loss
storyline), the acting (Franka Potente is awesome), the whole package - I
never get sick of it.

At number 4 - Lost in Translation. I watched this twice in the weekend
alone (hence this update topic actually). The first hour alone is magic. I
watched this for the first time on the plane to Thailand in 2004 and so it
had a special context for me and yet I rewatch it again and again. Bill
Murray is a genius and this is his self proclaimed favourite role.

At number 3 is another Bill Murray film - Groundhog Day. A film about a
day that repeats itself over and over (and I watch it over and over). It's
helped that the family (except Jacky) can also watch this over and over.

For the top two films the ultimate accolade - I've used these in my
teaching and they are still films I can see at home over and over. Number
2 is Jerry Maguire and number 1 is About a Boy. I actually used AAB about
two weeks ago with my Y11 (fifth form) class of reluctant English students
(and they loved it), then went home and watched it again!!!

The Dumbo principle also applies to books and music and I'll get to them
in another update. Oh goody you say!

Nature watch - blue skies/frosty mornings/ trees still turning colour/
mountain is bright and clear today. Bosker!

Currently grooving to The Arctic Monkeys (second album).

All for now - take care - love and peace - W

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