Saturday, December 11, 2010

She's 200 years old (Frank Zappa)

This is post number 200!!! Wow - to quote The Grateful Dead - What a long strange trip it's been (from Truckin'). I will revisit post number ONE briefly for nostalgic purposes.

It was posted on June 30th 2008. Here is an excerpt:

So what have I/we been up to? Okay well the holidays were spent working around the house - painting the outside took ages (mostly coz Jacky lost interest and I just needed to get it done before school started). Jacky and I also built two lean-tos - one for the tractor and one for the horse float - these were built onto the sides of the haybarn. They're still up so, so far so good.

Last weekend Samantha started at Victoria University - Jacky handled herself with control but I lost it on the way home - and I was the same when Adam went back to NZ from England and Keegan left home so no change there. The house is certainly feeling different (emptier/quieter/tidier!!).

Okay that'll do it for the first one - I'm aiming for one a week!!

Interesting that the leaving home theme continues as Jade gets set to return to university in the new year and we have left home again.

I am proud of exceeding the roughly one entry a week thing though, and maintaining a good pace in the blog. I get a lot of feedback from whanau saying they love reading about our adventures, and PJ hasn't sent in any corrections for a while - so I must be doing okay (careful, careful).

A couple of special days for the boys: happy birthday to Adam for the 11th!! Adam turned 24. Wow - he's getting on a bit isn't he. Keegan will get the next phone call. He turns 26 on the 19th.

Next post I'll tell you about my first picnic with the school staff (and tell you about our holiday plans to revisit London and hang out with Randy and Pat).

Love and peace - Wozza

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