Thursday, March 8, 2018

What were once vices are now habits (Doobie Brothers)

From the year after I was born, 1958
My name is Warren and I am a vinyl junkie (Goo Goo G'Joob provides proof if you needed it).

In a classic chicken and egg situation: I love records/ I love music.

Actually, scratch that, I know where my obsession started - music first (watching that Ed Sullivan Show with the Beatles in our living room at 18 Korma Rd., Royal Oak, Auckland, New Zealand did for me back in the mid sixties). 

Then vinyl.

Hard now to trace back to that very first one. Certainly, not my own first single purchases in 1970, instead it would have been exposure to records in Graham Purdy's collection. 

Those Dave Brubeck album covers and the heft of those records in particular are probably where it all started.

Long ago, it became engrained as habit.

Now I am drawn to vinyl. Even in second hand junk stores and their crappy collections of scratched James Last and Nana Mouskouri records.

You never know. There could be gold.

Love and peace - Wozza

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