Thursday, March 19, 2020

You can make the mountains ring or make the angels cry (The Youngbloods)

Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash
Wie geht's?

Community is important. It can be an amazing force for good, and it cause huge problems. The current focus on a global pandemic is producing new concepts to us all: self-isolation (and the disregard for it) and social distancing are two.

People appear to be struggling with both because, as a species, we crave community and social interaction.

Having to isolate ourselves and distance ourselves from others is foreign to our nature. We want to connect to others.

I'm currently in Gisborne, visiting my other campus and, turns out the hugs and handshakes are too natural a greeting to avoid. I'm here, connecting with Gisborne staff and students because we are a community of two campuses. I also believe that until otherwise instructed, normalcy is important.

However, given the current climate which tends to breed paranoia and fear (that person sneezed!), it feels a little weird being here, in a hotel room, far away from Jacky.

Remaining connected via my phone and computer is great though, and makes me wonder what this would have been like in the time before internet and cellular phone networks arrived.

The good news is we will come out of this, life will change but it will go on - until the next pandemic. The good news is that this event has paradoxically brought us as humans closer together. The good news is the internet keeps us connected. The good news is we will learn lessons from this whole event.

I hope you, my family and friends, and any random blogosphere readers out there, are all safe, and remain that way.

Love and peace and a virtual hug - Wozza

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