Sunday, December 27, 2020

And lashings of Ginger Beer!


Five go exploring: Mabelle; Jacky;
G Brian; Gavy and Wozza

Wie geht's children?

Today's blogpost contains some highly classified excerpts from Five Go Mad in PekaPeka, by the popular children's writer Enyd Blyton (not to be confused with that other popular children's writer Enid Blyton).

Are you ready children?

  Earlier that day at Maple Grove -

Mabelle: Adventures? That's all we ever have! Always hearing secret conversations, digging up buried treasure, chasing people down tunnels. Why can't we just do something else for a change?
Wozza: Like what?
Mabelle: I don't know! Just... walking around a wetlands at PekaPeka.
Wozza: I'll pretend I didn't hear that!
Jacky: Steady on you two - the hols have only just started!

Later that day, at PekaPeka wetlands -

G Brian: Well, here we are at the PekaPeka wetlands. Who shall we have to lead us through this labyrinth of walkways?
Mabelle: Follow me everyone!
Wozza: Hey you lot! There's a map over there!
Mabelle: We don't a map Wozza! Follow me everyone!
Gavy: I don't like the sound of this Wozza!
Jacky: Neither do I Gavy!
Wozza: Let's go down the left hand walkway!
Mabelle: Follow me everyone (as she heads in the opposite direction)!
G Brian
: I've got a damaged hand and I can't walk far.
Mabelle: Follow me everyone!

As Mabelle leads us successfully out of the wetlands -

Gavy: Thanks, Mabelle. You really are a proper little explorer. Not like Wozza, who wanted to go on the other walkway!
G Brian: Yes, thanks Mabelle. I wish I was an explorer too!
Gavy: Really, G Brian! You're only a boy! 
Thanks Gavy! Well, that was exciting. Everyone! Let's go back to Maple Grove for some of Jacky's trifle and lashings of Ginger Beer. 
Jacky: [putting her hand on his arm] You seem so grown up, Wozza.

Love and peace - Wozza

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