Monday, January 25, 2021

I pawned my watch, I paid my debts and I crossed the Rubicon (Bob Dylan)

Photo by Aimee Burrows on Unsplash

Wie geht's?

Thought for this one I'd revisit some of my poetry from long ago and far away. 

Three at random, over the next three posts, and the link between the natural world and my inner world is very obvious.

Here's the first one from around 30 years ago:

1. Mist

There's a mist on the lake - night isn't too

far away.

Faces of the past come to mind

as if the mist has called them.


They were maybe always there -

in the rarified air.

Lake Taupo lies somewhere beyond the mist -

keeping its secrets.


It's been a cold day - lazy drizzle

As I stood on the river bank - listening

to the sound of the reeds on the rushing

water and my line

making darts in

and out of the

currents - in the

shallows and 

in the ripples.


Coldest part 

of the country

apparently - as

I stood under the shelter of the blackberry

bush and let the rain

come down 


back to the river,


back to the faces.



Love and peace - Wozza

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