Wednesday, March 9, 2022

This is the modern world, we don't need no one to tell us what's right or wrong (the Jam)

Wie geht's?

The modern world's disregard for correct grammar grinds my gears. Not only mine, I hasten to add. There will be many Wozza's World readers looking at that picture in despair. I feel your pain.

I see that sign on my lunchtime walk and each time I feel like getting a Sharpie from school and adding the apostrophe on Edward's behalf. But then, as I said to a student today, I'd probably be done for graffitiing council property.

A recent news story indicated that road signs no longer need to conform to grammar rules to show ownership. 

So that's great, isn't it. Excellent. Just what English teachers need from society's elected officials - a dick move like that!

Love and peace - Wozza

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