Saturday, December 9, 2023

What a dream I had, pressed in organdy, clothed in crinoline of smoky burgundy (Simon and Garfunkel)

Photo by Marcus Bellamy on Unsplash

Wie geht's?

A vivid dream that came to me a while ago has haunted me since.

Even more so since I found that scarily accurate picture above on Unsplash to accompany this post!!

Jacky and I were in her car, driving along a deserted road; I was driving. We crested the top of a hill and gazed down on a landscape exactly like that picture - jagged bronze-coloured rock formations leading down to water in the far distance.

We rounded a corner and the road tapered away to a dead end that was in the form of a school gate and wire fence (on the other side of which was lawn).

We stopped and I went to reverse but the road had developed a crater like hole behind us, so we were stuck!

Jacky went off to search for some car-jacks because we weirdly/illogically thought we'd be able to bridge the gap that way. I waited and waited for her return. She eventually turned up and so had a crowd of spectators who watched in silence as I jacked up the car. Then I woke up.

Feel free to have a field day analysing all that!

Love and peace - Wozza

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