Sunday, May 5, 2024

Up in the mornin' and out to school, the teacher is teachin' the Golden Rule (Chuck Berry)

Wie geht's?

Asher turned five this week! 

Jade and Chris put on a lovely day for him complete with bouncy castle; piñata; friends from day care; family and friends; Hot Wheels cake made by Jade; official photographer (JFP); balloons; pizza/ ice cream/ lollies; and presents galore.

Of course, this also means that he's off to school. 

There have been many milestones in Asher's life so far, and this is another biggie.

The learning process began 5 years ago, school is merely a more formalised aspect of the process. It's important though, and will be his life for at least the next 12 years.

We all remember that first day at school, age 5, don't we. There's an anxiety edge, excitement, awe, and a large dollop of trust associated with the day. Mostly though - innocence, and vulnerability because of that innocence.

There is such a responsibility, being a teacher for any age group. As I've said before, I love that I chose teaching as a career.

These days, I especially love visiting the primary classrooms and being engulfed by wide-eyed enthusiasm from the students. Their warmth and eagerness to learn is infectious and inspirational.

All the best Asher, as you start this next phase - be a sponge and make as many mistakes as you like. Look and learn. Grow and prosper.

Love and peace - Papa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was a fab day,Asher was a perfect little host.😁..Everyone.had so much fun ,yet Asher never forgot that magic word"thank you".Lovely to hear .
You've done well Jade
Enjoy school Asher. 👍❤