Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happy dad day!

Wie geht's?

Late Sunday night in Nu Zild post.

Let's not talk about sport this time out - All Blacks lost and Arsenal drew. Boo hiss.

Instead, let me tell you about my Fathers' Day spent marking Year 11 and 12 scripts. Actually, let's not talk about that either.

How about Fathers' Day? 

I did get some lovely gifts from Jade - some home baking, a homemade card (signed a.k.a. The Favourite) and a couple of books. Very thoughtful of her, especially as she was heading over to Melbourne and must have been doing a thousand things to get Asher squared away and herself and Chris to the airport.

Thanks Jade - I really appreciated the thought, and the phone call from Australia, too. That was also very thoughtful as you were busy there with Poppy's party at Adam and Ashleigh's place. Nice to know that you spared a thought for your old dad.

Okay, post done. Marking done. Planning for tomorrow done. Back to school tomorrow. Bed time according to Alexa.

Love and peace - dad

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