Sunday, July 26, 2020

Kia kaha

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Wie geht's?

Thanks to Covid-19, if you live anywhere except New Zealand, you are probably sick and tired of being sick and tired, lacking energy, plain tuckered out and cream crackered!

Our children live all over the world, including Covid hotspots like California and Victoria in Australia.

They've been in lockdowns, off and on, for ages but along with a lot of people they continue to aim to do the right thing and remain safe.

We're lucky because they remain in high spirits and ease our worries about their situation.

However, the longer the world battles with lockdowns and Covid-19, fatigue is a real issue. That may be moral fatigue, zoom fatigue, or caution fatigue.  

New Zealand leaders took early action, closed borders and reopened the economy in stages when it was safe to do so. It helps we are isolated down here at the bottom of the world, but it's been a blessing having strong leadership making decisive decisons.

It can be done. Stay strong world.

Love and peace - WNP

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