Sunday, March 14, 2021

The driving of the year nail (Leo Kottke)

Alex Jones on Unsplash

Wie geht's?

Each week, this is the blogpost that is hardest to write. Because life is mostly the mundane stuff that happens every day: feeding pets; making the bed (which we've just done with fresh sheets - that's a weekly routine); feeding ourselves; buying food; travelling to work; working; stacking firewood (Saturday's job); picking up horse poo...

As John Lennon knew, life is what's happening when you're busy making other plans.

So when Sunday afternoon family zoom time rolls around we often don't have any news as such - we talk about the daily lives we all live and someone (usually Adam these days) asks a penetrating question and we mull over things for a spell.

This is all weirdly life affirming (without being earth shattering). Thankfully, it seems we (our children and us) are coping pretty well in their day to day tos and fros.

Last week I travelled a lot and that included a couple of days in Gisborne. My visits there have taken on a routine of their own and while I still dislike being away from home, I can take comfort in those routines.

I aim to visit The Spellbound Wax Company record shop each time I'm in Gisborne. It's handily placed by the hotel I'm usually staying at, and the gentleman who runs it is chatty, friendly and knowledgeable. I found a David Sanborn album for $5 and he helpfully asked me if I'd found the other Sanborn record in the racks - I hadn't so he found it for me. Helpful!

He's on the move because the beautiful old building he's in needs earthquake strengthening. Hopefully he manages to find a suitable location close by. If you're in Gisborne stop by - it's a fun place to visit.

Love and peace - Wozza

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