Friday, March 19, 2021

And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house" And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful wife" (Talking Heads)

Michał Lis on Unsplash

Wie geht's?

I've struggled to embrace NZ's hot topics lately, things like Prince Harry and his wife, and America's Cup racing.

Although, thankfully, Harry/Megan is no longer part of the news cycle, and America's Cup fever will surely die down now that we have retained it.

After NZ's yacht (named 'Te Rehutai' - the Māori word for sea spray) beat Luna Rossa, Wednesday's TV One 6pm news had only one story! Yes - one!

Thursday's had room for the rest of the world again, and even Covid news made a return with talk of a trans-Tasman flight bubble.

That's how fickle the news is.

That helps explain why I couldn't raise much enthusiasm for Megan and The America's Cup?

Plus, those worlds of royal celebrity gossip, and billionaire yacht owners hold little interest for me. 

Airing family grievences to a global audience seems mean spirited to me, especially when it's so one sided and I just don't understand yachting - jibes and foils and such.

It didn't help that I was at work or travelling home when the races were being broadcast (I thought I'd gone to the wrong beautiful house when I walked in and my beautiful wife was watching the race live on TV - I did a double take and said - Jacky? Is that you?).

Sorry, but like skiing and equestrian events, yachting doesn't appeal to me at all. Too much faffing around, too much specialised equipment and too much of a specialised playing surface. And far, far too expensive.

I prefer a football that I can play anywhere at any time. 

As a kid, I'd take myself off to Seymour Park with my brother and we'd spend hours kicking a ball around. 

Simple things. Less is more. Occam's razor.

I'm still glad we won though and my Royalist sympathies remain intact, in case you were wondering.

Love and peace - Wozza

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