Monday, February 14, 2022

Through violent storms and peaceful dawns we find ourselves in balance.

Wie geht's?

We (as in New Zealanders) have been battered by a storm over the last week or so. Loads of rain and wind which means flooding and power outages.

We (as in Jacky and I) live on the east coast of the North Island so we have a buffer from the worst weather thanks to the Ruahine mountain range. Still - at Maple Grove, we have had enough rain to overflow the rain gauge and enough wind to blow over a sizeable tree in the back yard in a row of macrocarpa trees. They are pretty hardy trees!

On closer inspection last night after work, I saw that the tree was quite rotten where it broke off and when viewed away from the trees that were on either side of it, quite spindly and without much foliage.

In other words, nature decided enough was enough, so it blew the tree over - providing us with some firewood in the process. All good.


Love and peace - Wozza

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