Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Stay under the tree line, and you might be alright, I'm a treetop flyer (Stephen Stills)

Wie geht's?

We had a great excuse to get outside and fix up the Tree House on Maple Grove. That translated to: get rid of the blackberry around it; chop off dead tree branches; have a big burn up, and it wasn't just because of the sunny hot days on this recent Labour Weekend. 

The main reason was around Asher and Jade coming to stay for a few days and us looking after Asher for a day while Jade was working.

Nothing like a young child's perspective of things to change your own. It was Asher who commented on the blackberry tendrils outside his tree house window. I wouldn't have bothered but having seen it I couldn't unsee it.

After watching him lean out, Jacky's concern for Asher falling out of his windows meant I added a wooden rail to preclude that eventuality.

Asher then negotiated his way up and down the ladder with aplomb, finding toys for his new toy box and suggesting to Mema (Jacky) that a rug would be a good idea.

He's only three and a half but he knows what he's about.

Love and peace - Papa (me)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Asher is progressing well with Mema and Papa training ๐Ÿ‘❤๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š