Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Feels like lightning running through my veins (David Gray)


A magic number: there were 30 tracks on The Beatles (a.k.a. The White Album). 

But I digress.

As the whanau knows, SWMBO and I have been celebrating a pearl wedding anniversary, thirty years of marriage, in 2014.

For some time now we have wanted to reaffirm our marriage vows in a suitable location, within this year, and with all of the chuldrun present.

This has proved tricky, but the planets appear to be coming into alignment. 

Early in November, at the lovely Woodford House chapel, we plan to renew our vows that were made on April 21st, 1984.

As we did way back then, we want to extend an invitation to the whanau to join us if you wish. It will be a simple renewing of vows and blessing of our existing wedding rings.

We also plan to have a relaxing casual BBQ dinner at Habibi Stables (Red Phoenix Farm) to celebrate. 

Given that the Purdy family and their partners (potentially a whopping ten people) will be staying at Red Phoenix Farm, we cannot offer any accommodation if you do wish to join us from out of Hawke's Bay. SWMBO's posh Habibi stables has straw in the stalls so that's a possibility if you don't mind a roll in the hay, but otherwise...

We'll be providing the musical grooves, and your basic BBQ fare.

Oh and we also have a strict no gift policy - we want to keep this s i m p l e!

If you do find yourself thinking, hmmm, yeah - that could be cool, I'd like to be part of that - please get in touch via our emails and I'll provide further time and date details.

Love and peace - Wozza and SWMBO

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