Thursday, October 4, 2018

When I needed you most I couldn't find the language (Dave Dobbyn)

Wie geht's?

As a newly arrived Kiwi (New Zealander) in England I am, at times, still struggling to find the right term for British things. Recently, when talking to some students I said that I was a Kiwi - they thought I was calling myself a piece of fruit!

As a way of answering, "You alright?" I usually have no idea how to respond. However, the other day I found myself saying, "Box of fluffy ducks, thanks" to puzzled looks.

Today I struggled mightily with the British term for an on ramp - you know - the side road that feeds onto the highway ('motorway' in England, 'freeway' in America).

After floundering away for a good five minutes, I was asked if I meant a sliproad?

Oh me, of my. What's a Kiwi bloke to do?

Love and peace - WNP

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