Thursday, May 13, 2021

Old man look at my life, I'm a lot like you were (Neil Young)

John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

Wie geht's?

While reading last weekend, I noticed an interesting resonating thread between 366 Days With Wisdom (Venerable Master Hsing Yun) and Saturday (novel by Ian McEwan). 

First from 366 Days - May 7:

In childhood, we should correct ourselves frequently,

In youth, we should face ourselves seriously,

In adulthood, we should expand ourselves widely,

In old-age, we should perfect ourselves completely.

And in Saturday, McEwan has his main character (Henry Perowne) make the following discovery when reacquainted with his daughter Daisy after a 6 month absence:

This is the pain-pleasure of having newly adult children; they're innocent and ruthless in forgetting their sweet old dependence.

That perspective reached from an older age is an interesting one to ruminate upon. The stages of growth and learning are nicely summarised by Hsing Yun, and I like that it's a learning process that doesn't have an end point.

McEwan has a nice way with him as well. His writing is finely honed but glides on by in an easy style. I'll have to look out for more of his novels.

Love and peace - Wozza

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