Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Sitting still is essential to the journey (Robert Fulghum)

Wie geht's?

This next sentence is painful but required; I need to set the scene.

On the weekend, after I'd harrowed the horse paddock and while Jacky was fooling around with the horses, I found myself sitting outside in my zen garden, in the sun, listening to music through the open windows of my music room, and reading a book (Less by Andrew Sean Greer).

I'd just boiled the jug, had enjoyed my cup of tea and was enjoying the moment when I glanced up from the book and saw the shadow from the tea cup, and was aware in that instant that I was fully relaxed and, yes, content.

It was just a brief moment in time when that simple moment hit me. And it was good. 

I grabbed my camera from the music room and took that snap above to remind me for later times when I'm in a pensive mood.

That's all I need, from time to time - moments like that.

Love and peace - Wozza

P.S. That quote in the title - I know I've read that in a Fulghum essay but when I searched for it I came up blank. Still - it's a great quote!

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