Wednesday, October 6, 2021

There's you, the time, the logic or the reasons we don't understand. Sad courage claimed the victims, standing still for all to see (Yes - Close To The Edge)

Wie geht's?

We have a dilly of a pickle brewing in Aotearoa (New Zealand) around our response to the pandemic and its Delta strain.

According to our leaders, to move away from lockdowns we need around 90% or more of the eligible population to be vaccinated.

So far we look to be around 50% fully vaccinated, with 80% having had at least one dose. Which, if we presume the 30% are willing to get the second dose, leaves at least 10% to go to get to the 90% target. That last bunch is tricky to get.

Source: Ministry of Health

Tricky because they put up what seems like a cogent set of arguments and reasons to remain unvaccinated [BTW - these folk should not be linked to the rabid conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers who are clearly both a very small minority and, let's face it, nuts].

The following points relate to the vast majority of vaccine-hesitant people who are not nuts. They do not have a political agenda and are not committed to an anti-scientific cause. They are just undecided.  

1) Some want proof that there aren't long term effects from the vaccine. That requires time. Time in this case would be measured in years and that's a luxury we don't have.  See point 3 and please get the jab!

2) The elimination strategy NZ has employed successfully to date has now reached its use by date. Living with the virus poses serious issues - just looking at the UK doesn't generate much confidence. Melbourne's bet each way is neither one thing or the other and isn't currently very successful. I don't want endless lockdown yo-yos. Do you? Please get the jab!

3) Trust issues that people had before the pandemic have continued and are spread by folk, often via social media. Basically if you don't trust the World Health Organisation when they say the vaccine is safe for adults and children, like I do, then you'll not take it. Trust is fragile. It doesn't help when misinformation is deliberately spread by influential, seemingly intelligent people. Please don't be fooled. Don't give in to your inner confirmation bias. We have to trust certain things to live our daily lives. I trust people will obey road rules so I need to trust that on-coming traffic obeys the white lines on the road and won't drive into me, I pay tax and trust that the money will be spent well. When I donate money to World Vision I trust they will use my money wisely. I trust my doctor when he prescribes an antibiotic drug - don't you? Please get the jab!

4) Some people still believe the flu jab gives you the flu. Some people don't want to get the covid jab because they think it's allowing something dodgy into their system. Doesn't appear to matter that, as many health practitioners have repeated, the risks of severe side effects from a vaccine are tiny in comparison to the risk of the disease itself. Please get the jab!

5) Fear of needles is real for many people. I didn't especially like them when I was a kid but as I grew older I realised the fear was in my head. The vaccine doesn't hurt. At all! Please get the jab!

6) Complacency is a factor for some. The healthy fit young people out there seem to think they can ward off the virus with Vitamin C and a trip to the gym. Now I'm a huge fan of Vitamin C but even I know that it's not a panacea against Delta. Please get the jab!

7) For some people COVID-19 became politicised as ‘government control over my life’ and an infringement on individual choice and rights, not as a health issue. It's a democracy in NZ. The people elected a Labour government in NZ. I believe they have led us well and have competently managed a response to covid-19 to date. Oh sure it's not a perfect response and some people are pissed off with MIQ but let's keep our perspective. Governments didn't create the pandemic. It's a health problem. Please get the jab!

We all face challenges in our daily lives. Covid-19 is just the latest.

To the ten per cent out there. You have the power to change all of our lives for the better in so many ways. 

Please. Get the jab.

Love and peace - Wozza

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