Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Out on the wily, windy moors we'd roll and fall in green (Kate Bush)

Emily Jane Brontë

Wie geht's?

This one's about Wuthering Heights. The novel by Emily Brontë. You may have heard of it.

Why is this one about Wuthering Heights?

Well - because of my ignorance. That's why?

You want details?

Okay. Sure. Read on!

An amigo recently suggested the Kate Bush song of the same name for one of our Spotify playlists. I'm embarrassed to admit that it took me a while to realise that it wasn't based on a Jane Austen novel, but Brontë's. Secondly, and this is in some ways even worse - I realised I'd, shock horror, never read the novel.

Sharp intake of breath.

Unlike Austen's novels, it had never been presented to me for reading at school or during my university years and I'd never taught it. Hence, never read it.

Plus, the subject matter had never interested me - a tragic love story from 1847? No thanks.

Ignorance upon ignorance upon ignorance!

That needed rectifying. So, I bought a copy from The Little Red Bookshop.

And I'm hooked. It's magnificent.

I have also realised something from reading it. I wasn't ready for this story until this precise moment. The book, the story has chosen me - right now, right here.

It's her only novel as she died young, aged 30, from TB, yet this novel, published the year before she died, is utterly captivating in 2022.

It makes sense to me and I'm glad I didn't read it in my youth - I wouldn't have enjoyed/understood it without my life experiences to this point, which have included living in England on a few occasions.

Although she died young, she lives on in Wuthering Heights for generations to come.

Love and peace - Wozza

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