Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Yesterday we did what we were told but now we are Billy Bold (Graham Brazier - a local boy, from Mt Eden)

Auckland International Airport terminal. Flooded!

Wie geht's?

The wild weather in Auckland recently made me consider the safety and well-being of my Auckland whanau and friends. I was surprised, shocked even, to see how many Auckland dwellers there were when I went to Facebook and did a search of my friends.

A huge proportion of them!

Ich bin ein Aucklander in that I was born there (on Maungakiekie) and grew up there (close to Maungakiekie in Royal Oak/One Tree Hill and Mt Albert). I left for the wider world (New Plymouth and beyond) when I was 25. From time to time I enjoy going back there and catching up with mates.

I have returned a few times to live (the last time was 1995 to 2000) but I'm not sure I could live there again. Although, Jacky has been making noises about wanting to live in a city again, so I wouldn't rule it out necessarily. 

The flood damage was vast and confronting and my heart went out to all of those whose lives were affected. Kinship. A bond. 

Aucklanders! Kia kaha!!

Love and peace - Wozza

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