Thursday, October 19, 2023

In your night light, burning brightly (Masters Of Reality)

Wie geht's?

Recently, while we were in Melbourne I was keen to buy Asher a toy from David Jones' toy department.

When my brother and I were young (starting from when we were about 7 and 9 respectively) we went on a few trips to Sydney with mum and dad. I guess dad would be having business meetings sometimes, but we'd all get the train into the city centre from Kings' Cross and David Jones was a prime destination for us. Even when I was a teenager.

Yes, people dressed like that to shop in the sixties.

The Auckland CBD had Farmers, Rendells and George Courts in 1966, but that was chump change compared to Sydney's David Jones.

We started with hot wheels and matchbox cars and by the time I was a teenager, records! Some great memories, and so I was keen to tap into that experience and get something for Asher.

We settled on the kitset dinosaur for age 7+ for him to put together. Asher (4 and a half), with some key directions for his mum, ended up with this beauty. Looks great, Asher!

Love and peace - Papa

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