Monday, March 18, 2024

I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free. Mankind will surely not deny to Harold Skimpole what it concedes to the butterflies (Charles Dickens, Bleak House)

Wie geht's?

Bleak House is my latest Dicken's epic novel. I'm betting very few readers of blogs in 2024 have actually read this classic, let alone any Dickens.

Come on - show of hands - who's read this?

Hmmm. Just as I thought.

A few years ago, I was like you. Ignorant to the joys of Charles Dickens.

But no longer.

To be fair, it does take me 30 pages on average to get back into the rhythm of his writing. But by then I've laughed out loud plenty of times. He really is a very funny writer.

So, that's me for the next few weeks - enjoying Bleak House.

Just sayin'.

Love and peace - Wozza

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