Monday, July 23, 2018

Happiness can dispel worries (Hsing Yun)

Photo by Nine Köpfer on Unsplash
Wie geht's?

Sometimes serendipity sneaks up on me unawares.

Recently, someone very close to me, okay, yes - the Light of My life - in a stunning admission, said that she wished she could be more like me!

Okay - steady on! Come again?

She meant: able to be more carefree, more go-with-the-flowish, more considerate to the cosmic order of the universe and trusting of her maple leaf. Okay, that last one - not so much.

We were in the Purdmobile, pootling to our Albany lock up for the umpteenth time when her frank admission caused me to swerve the car uncontrollably! 

Fishtailing wildly I heroically regained control, screeched to a halt in the middle of the highway and eyes popping saucer-like, mouth open like a three day old dead hapuka, choked out a strangled reply: whaaaat?????? 

Regaining Purdmobile momentum while ignoring the melodorious tootling of nearby cars, we discussed this state of affairs for the next few kilometers and even though she knew she couldn't change her nature and do any of those cosmic Wozza things - she knew that she wanted things to be different. It was a cry for help!

And that's a start folks!

Coincidentally, this entry rolled around in 366 Days of Wisdom for the 21st of July, which I offer to her here, even though she will poo poo it, and for others out there who want to be more Wozza-like:
There is actually no problem in this world; the worries are created by one's own imagination. Depression is trouble one seeks for oneself, as Buddhist teachings on meditation say:"No one binds you; it is you who bind yourself!" So too with depression; no one wants us to be depressed; we ourselves look for worries! 

There is a recovery route for depression. the recovery route is through wisdom and good sense. 
The following are some suggestions: 
1 Uplift your optimistic disposition 
2 Comprehend the reasons behind all the details of any undertaking 
3 Let go of worries by maintaining a carefree mood 
4 remove misgivings and doubts from your character 
5 Extend your positive services 
6 Adopt a very cheerful and honest attitude in your conduct in society
You're welcome.

Love and peace - Wozza

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