Thursday, September 9, 2021

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work (Thomas Edison)

Wie geht's?

Some random thoughts as I've transitioned from working from home to working back on site at my campus:

Boy, I can relate to Mr Edison.

Sometimes teaching feels like that - a continual process of trial and error, and the same feeling that it's not working, so let's try this and the vague feeling that it could always be better.

Same with most things, I guess.

Musicians must feel like this too. I often read articles featuring musicians who are never satisfied with their product - who want to redo it endlessly to get to some mystical place that exits only in their head.

My students must feel that too - Mr Purdy is never satisfied with my work - he's always looking for me to improve it.

Okay - so all humans then.

I guess animals never feel this. Tango, Jerry and Rey appear to be very happy with their lot: love and attention; some grub at regular intervals, and a run around. Every day - the same thing. No thirsting for an improvement. Oh sure, Jerry is never satisfied with the amount of time he gets to chase a stick or a bubber ball, but that's not really the same thing, right?

Jacky and I have finished watching the third season of Wanted.

It ended at exactly the right time (I hope they don't mess around with it and make season 4 - t'would be a big mistake).

We've moved on to watch a documentary series on the 9/11 terrorist attacks in America.

It's been 20 years since that day. Twenty Years!

As we watch again those scenes, the whole thing still seems wildly unbelievable. 

I stood open mouthed in our Alpha St., living room, watching as this happened live on SkyNews.


Twenty years later it's a series of documentaries on TV. And my students in Year 10 research it to write a formal report.

As Jacky and I watched we couldn't help reflect on the example of the meddling in Afghanistan; from the Soviet invasion to the recent withdrawal of American troops, we're still adding to Edison's tally of ways that won't work.

Love and peace - WNP

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