Monday, September 9, 2019

Tell us more Mr Science (Elaine)

Wie geht's

The Science Roadshow hit town yesterday and my campus was hosting it for the Hastings area.

As I watched a presentation by two lively young science guys that featured some fun chemical reactions for the students, I, of course, thought of Graham Purdy - Pharmacist.

He would have loved it. And understood it far far better than the two young guys.

I thought back to when I was about 8 or 9 and asked for a chemistry set. After getting it I played around with it a bit but it didn't take.

At M.A.G.S. I attempted chemistry during my two School Certificate years, 1973-4, and that was an utter disaster.

Chemistry was not for me!

Isn't that weird. That I would be interested enough to ask for, and get, a chemistry set but then develop zero interest in it.

Zero, zip, nada, zilch.

Funny old life innit.

Love and peace - Wozza

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