Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Dutchess of Kircaldy always smiling and arriving late for tea (The Beatles)

Wie geht's?

This is the one about how Wozza met the Mayor of Hastings Disctrict Council.

I was alerted to the fact the THE MAYOR was visiting our school during a Science Roadshow visit.

Okay, I said. I'm happy to meet her.

When the time arrived, I looked around the crowd for someone wearing mayoral chains - figured that would probably be the Mayor.

Sure enough. There she was.

Oh oh. 

Luckily, I found our Office Administrator, also in the crowd.

What's her name? I whispered.

Sandra Hazlehurst, she whispered back.


I approached the Mayor, chatted away (the Wozza charm turned up a few notches). She was very nice. And charming back. She even knew my name.

She must have been wondering, what am I doing here? 

She had some other engagement, probably with people who could potentially vote for her, and so, she left.

Left me to wonder about how the office of Mayor has changed. Why it's no longer such a big deal. Why they still have that chain (apart from making them stand out in a crowd - what's it for?). 

All seems weirdly archaic. And English. All that pomp and ceremony which Nu Zilders don't actually do.

We're very egalitarian.

But anyway. Enough musing.

Bottom line: she came, I was charming, she left.

Love and peace - Wozza

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