Monday, September 16, 2019

Shoures soote (Chaucer)

Photo by Nikhil kumar on Unsplash
Wie geht's?

Spring is back which so far means a lot of rain, fluctuating temperatures, rain, blossoms, wind and more rain. And we live in the Hawke's Bay. On the other side of the Ruahines and the rain shadow!!

Still, that's spring right?

In the northern hemisphere of Chaucer's time:

Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour...

(When in April (September for us) the sweet showers fall that pierce March's (August's) drought to the root and all, and bathed every vein in liquor that has power to generate therein and sire the flower...).

So it ain't like it's a new thing.


Had to go to the dentist today: first of two crowns. My dentist (Dr Nick, age 33) is great. 

Was talking to colleagues at school about it earlier in the day and reminiscing about the dark days of primary school and going to the murder house (link takes you to a previous post on this subject). 

Appears we all called it that!! How was that possible - in pre internet/the-world-is-a-village days???

Even different generations called it The Murder House. 

What scars! Poor dentists! 

Anyway - we were chatting while my crown was being made , and Nick alerted me to this film by Peter Jackson. Called - yes, indeedy, The Murder House!

This is getting spooky!

Love and peace - Woz

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